


Firstly, Sydney LETS philosophy is “Time is valuable – and every member’s time is of equal worth“. Your time is as valuable as the next. 35 Operas per hour is the standard rate for Sydney LETS. You can read more about our philosophy on the Benefits page.

Secondly, you’ll need access to an online computer to use our online trading system. Or some one who does to do it for you. You may not have one at home, but you can access the trading system on any regular computer at a library or community centre.

If you’re keen to be part of our alternative trading system see details below for further info about our online trading system, and how to sign up online.

When you click the “Join” link below you’ll be asked to enter your contact details, and up to three items or services you’d like to offer to LETS members. You’re application will be sent to an administrator for approval.

Upon receipt of your membership application you will be allocated a Member number and an account will be set up in your name on the CES system. Account details and detailed instructions will be emailed to you.

  1. To start trading click on OFFERINGS or WANTS to view all the goods and services on offer, or being requested by other traders.
  2. When you find something of interest simply contact another member by clicking “Email Member” to the right of the WANT or OFFER. You may need to swap a few emails to confirm price and delivery arrangements.
  3. The seller is responsible for entering the trade into the CES system. The buyers account will be debited and the sellers account will be credited.
  4. The buyer is sent a record of the transaction and may dispute the transaction if there is an error.
  5. Repeat ad infinitum.


Joining fee: 30 operas + $5

Annual renewal fee: 30 operas + $5

There are 2 methods of payment:-
1. via your internet online banking
2. or by direct deposit at your local Westpac branch

Depending on the method of payment specific details for these 2 methods of payment are outlined below:-.

To pay in person at Westpac
Account name: SYDNEY LETS
BSB:   032-814
Account Number:  546789
AUX serial no: type in your LETS membership number

Via the Internet
You can pay online via your internet banking screen using “Transfer Funds” or “Pay Anyone”
Account name:   SYDNEY LETS
BSB:   032-814
Account Number:  546789
Description:    type in your LETS membership number

The 30 opera joining and renewal fees will be automatically charged to your account by the Administration account. Renewals are charged in July. Membership operas are used to cover a variety of LETS operating costs and allow us to trade with LETS members for services such as administration, event organisation, member support, dispute resolution and venue hire. Dollars are used for unavoidable conventional-world charges such as website hosting and promotional material where we cannot find a member who provides such services for operas.

All members of one family, including children, may join under a single membership number as long as they live in the same household. All members will trade using one account.

Operas are transferred from one account to another when the seller enters the transaction into the CES system.

Contact details are available to Sydney members on the CES online trading system. Sign in using the panel above to access you account and view the contact list.

The OFFERINGS section in the CES system provides a listing of all services offered by members. It is updated each time a member adds or removes an offering. Contact details are displayed to the right of each offering. These details are visible only to LETS members.

Newsletters and updates sent by email will keep you up to date with the latest information on membership, events, offers and wants, items of interest, Committee meetings and the AGM. Articles from members or notice of LETS-related events are welcome. The Sydney LETS Facebook page is also used to notify people of events and share information:

Statements can be viewed in the “My Record” section of CES. Scroll down past your contact details and click the “View button next to the words “View my statement of account”.

The Sydney LETS committee is elected each year at the AGM. Office bearers are Administrator, Secretary, Treasurer, Conflict Resolution, Advisor and Local Area Coordinators. ANY member can be nominated and stand for election. Committee meetings are announced by email and members are encouraged to attend and contribute.

1. Sydney LETS is a non-profit organisation providing a service that allows members who have joined Sydney LETS and accepted this Membership Agreement (“members”) to exchange information that facilitates trading of time and goods.
2. Sydney LETS is managed by a Committee made up of members who maintain such records of trading activities as members request. The Committee will be re-formed once each year, by election of members if the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies.
3. A local “Opera” is the symbol of energy transferred between members. Members shall be willing to trade in Operas. Services are charged at 35 Operas per hour. Cash should only be exchanged to reimburse cash expenditure by a trading partner. The Committee will transfer Operas from one member’s account to that of another if it is satisfied that goods or services have been provided through Sydney LETS.
4. Members agree to keep their online offers and wants up to date, including hiding offers while they are unavailable. Members agree to respond to enquiries from other members as soon as practical, and no later than 7 days after receiving an enquiry. The Committee can hide offers, suspend or terminate a membership if they receive reports of non-response to enquiries from other members.
5. The Committee is authorised to levy charges on members accounts in Operas and an annual cash charge at a rate determined by the Committee, which is to be calculated to cover the costs of operating Sydney LETS.
6. The Committee may decline a transaction or a membership it considers inappropriate, and may suspend or terminate a member’s account if the Committee has received two or more complaints about trading experiences with that member, provided the complaints were made by more than one member.
7. Accountability of taxes incurred by members is the obligation of those involved in an exchange. Sydney LETS has no obligation nor liability to report to the Australian Taxation Office nor to collect taxes on their behalf.
8. No warranty or undertaking as to the value, condition or quality of the items or services exchanged is expressed or implied by the virtue of introduction of members to one another.
9. While all information on members accounts is considered personal and confidential, and is only accessible by registered LETS members, LETS cannot guarantee confidentiality nor be held liable for breach of it. It is a member’s responsibility to protect all members details by ensuring account and password details remain confidential, and by hiding their street address if they do not wish it to be visible to other members.
10. The Committee may act on behalf of members in seeking satisfaction from a member whose account is heavily out of balance, including by suspending or canceling a member’s account, or imposing conditions on their membership.
11. All transactions between members are the sole responsibility of those members and no liability to the members of any nature shall be incurred by Sydney LETS or the Committee in respect of such a transaction.
12. The only liability of the Committee to any member for any damage suffered by such a member shall be limited to damage caused by a deliberate act of the Committee that is not within the scope of its authority under this agreement.
13. Members agree to be respectful and courteous at all times when communicating with other Members. Members will strive to avoid causing distress to any other Member.
14. When contacted by another member to request goods or services, Members will promptly respond, regardless of whether or not they are able to provide the requested services or goods. Members understand that responding promptly to enquiries is an important part of maintaining a vibrant LETS system. Members understand that if they fail to respond to an enquiry or order received via email or phone, the Administrator can hide all of the Member’s offers and deduct 5 Operas from the Member’s account to cover administration time. An email will be sent to the non-responding Member to inform them that their offers have been hidden and to explain why this was done, and the Member will be responsible for making their offers visible again when they are ready and able to be contacted.
15.  Members agree that they will contact other members through the system only for the purpose of arranging trading. LETS social events are the appropriate forum for socialising with other members.


Disputes relating to a LETS trade
1. If a Member is dissatisfied with a trade, they must first attempt to resolve the matter directly with the relevant Member.
2. If the dispute cannot be resolved directly, the Member can inform the Administrator via the “General Queries/Feedback” option at the bottom left of the LETS “Home” page.
3. When a Member reports a disputed trade to the Administrator, the Administrator will contact the other party to the dispute, briefly outline the allegation and ask them to present their version of events via email.
4. Where the Administrator judges that further action is required, they will inform the Committee of the dispute and state their recommended response. On the authority of the majority of the Committee, the Administrator can do one of more of the following:
A) Cancel the trade
B) Adjust the Operas charged through the disputed trade
C) Place conditions upon the trading of one or both members
D) Suspend or cancel one or both members’ accounts.

Conduct by a Member that causes distress to another Member

1. If a Member has been distressed by the conduct of another Member, they are encouraged to inform the Administrator via the “General Queries/Feedback” option at the bottom left of the LETS “Home” page.
2. When a Member reports an incident of distressing conduct to the Administrator, the Administrator must inform the Committee.
3. The Committee will investigate the complaint, and can decide to:
A) Do nothing
B) Remind the Member of expectations in relation to their conduct and warn them of the consequences of a further report of unacceptable conduct
C) Place conditions upon the trading of one or both Members (for example, requiring trading to be arranged through a broker)
D) Suspend or cancel one or both Members’ accounts.
4. There is no available appeal body that can hear an appeal against the decision of the Committee.

Last updated 5th May 2023

Click here to join Sydney LETS »
Then simply enter your details and click submit.
The LETS administrator will receive your application and be in touch shortly.