Go to: http://www.– Enter your account number (this will look something like SYCE0999) and password into the Member Login panel (top right hand side)– Then click the [Enter] button.
How do I find out what my password is?
If ever you forget your password it can be retrieved from http://www.communityexchange.net.au– Click “Forgotten your password?” (underneath)– Enter your account number and your password will be emailed to you. If you forget your account number too, you will have to email the Administrator syce@communityexchange.net.au
How do I change my password?
Changing your password– Login to the online trading system using your account number and current password. (top right-hand corner)– Click on the [My Record] button at the top and your personal details will come up. Simply delete the password that is there and put in your own password. It needs to be at least 8 characters long, and try to include some non-alphabet characters too.– To save the change click the [Update Record] button (on the dark green strip near the bottom)
How do I update my contact information, or hide some of my contact details?
Login to the online trading system using your account number and current password.– Click on the [My Record] button at the top to access you contact details.– Edit any of your information– Clicking the box to the right of any detail will hide that from members
Note: Your contact details are only available to LETS members.
To facilitate trading we encourage listing an email address and a phone number and suburb.– To save the changes click the [Update Record] button (on the dark green strip near the bottom)
How do I add or update my OFFERS and WANTS?
Update your OFFERINGS and WANTS– Login to the online trading system using your account number and current password. (top right-hand side)– Click on the [My Record] button at the top– Scroll down to the “Personal Actions” section– There you will see options to View, Edit or Add new OFFERINGS and WANTS– You may add as many offerings as you like– SydneyLETS philosophy is that ‘all time is of equal value’, so services are traded at 35 ops/hr
– $$ or opera cost may be charged to cover the cost of ingredients or materials required, just make a note of any $$ or operas in your OFFER– Listing your WANTS is a great way to stimulate trade, think of it as offering someone an opportunity to trade– You can also upload a photograph of yourself so that other traders can see what you look like.
How do I find out what’s on OFFER or what is WANTED by other traders?
To see what’s on offer / wanted– Login to the online trading system using your account number and current password. (top right-hand side)– Click on [Offerings] to view the directory of goods and services on offer.– Click on [Wants] to see what other members are looking for.– Feel free to contact any participant who has advertised in the ‘Offerings List’ to purchase any goods and services offered. Please don’t wait for someone to buy from you before you use the system. You don’t need to be in credit before making a purchase; going into debit is part of the system and simply represents your commitment to the community.
How do I enter a transaction after selling goods or services to another trader?
Transactions are entered by the SELLER of the goods or services.
If you have sold something to another LETS member:– Click [Home]– Click [Enter Single Transaction]– Select the name of the BUYER from the dropdown list– Enter details of trade– Click [Submit]For more tips and tricks you can click read “How does this work? An introduction for beginners” (link from the right hand column of the CES). The [Help] button on every page gives contextual help. There is also a User Guide available from the site.
What do I do if someone has over-charged me by mistake, or charged me for something I didn’t purchase?
f you have been charged by mistake you can dispute the charge by contacting the seller. The seller can view their transactions and delete / edit the transaction to correct the error.– If you don’t get a satisfactory response within a week, please contact us so we can look into it for you syce@communityexchange.net.au
I accidentally charged someone twice, or charged the wrong person. Can I undo one of the transactions?
No worries at all.
To delete a transaction you have entered:– Login to trading system’– Click on “10. My Statement of Account” (link in centre column in “Querying” section)
You should see the transactions you entered.– Click the trades you wish to delete– Click “Delete”